After migration finished windows cant boot and Blue Screen of Death with error 0x0000007B this happens since the physical server had ISCSI drives, you need to tell windows to start
Category: Virtualization
How To Convert VHD Virtual Disk To VHDX FormatHow To Convert VHD Virtual Disk To VHDX Format
The simple way is to use powershell cmdlet: Convert-VHD The Convert-VHD cmdlet converts a virtual hard disk file by copying the data from a source virtual hard disk file to
Upgrade 2012 R2 Cluster to 2016 using Cluster OS Rolling UpgradeUpgrade 2012 R2 Cluster to 2016 using Cluster OS Rolling Upgrade
Upgrade 2012 R2 Cluster to 2016 using Cluster OS Rolling Upgrade mirrored from : Starting with Windows Server 2016 we get a new, nice feature which makes the cluster
Some time the hyper-v replication get in to suspended mode or halt on any other reason, here is a Powershell script to run from the replica server which will start
dell compellent sc2020 or sc2040 freezedell compellent sc2020 or sc2040 freeze
Occasionally Dell Compellent can freeze, all the lights stop blinking and the storage stop responding to the management IP and the controllers, The Cluster shared volumes (CSV) or the share
hyper-v replication with certificate Authenticationhyper-v replication with certificate Authentication
Hyper-V Replication base on Certificate Authentication have great advantage in terms of security, kerberos Authentication base usually put the replication server in the same Domain as the hyper-v host
vmware vcenter database over 10 gigavmware vcenter database over 10 giga
Vcenter running SQL Express. “VIM_VCDB” reached 10GB and so crashes Vcenter !! To purge the data in the VPX_EVENT table: Connect to Servername\SQL Database and log in with the appropriate
dell compellent sc2020 sc2040 freezedell compellent sc2020 sc2040 freeze
Alert: The BMC IP address settings on the SC4020 should be set as non-routable. If the IP addresses are routable, there is a possibility of the BMC getting into an