When trying to renew or create certificate from Local active directory certificate authority you get error like: The request contains no certificate template information 0x80094801 This happens because the
How To Change SSH server portHow To Change SSH server port
If you want to change the ssh server port for any reason namely security (extremely recommended), From the default port which is 22 .You can use any other port
How To Repair Corrupted User profileHow To Repair Corrupted User profile
Lets start by login as administrator open registery and Take a Registry Backup – Recommended – Right Click Export And Save it .Than go to : HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\ CurrentVersion\ProfileList Find
How To Prepare Your Network Against Ransom Virus And Encrypted DataHow To Prepare Your Network Against Ransom Virus And Encrypted Data
Network Perpetrators ,Hacker, and not very nice people in general always looking for new ways to get into the network and encrypt the data for ransom.Since bitcoin is anonymously
Some time the hyper-v replication get in to suspended mode or halt on any other reason, here is a Powershell script to run from the replica server which will start
adding Hyper-V Replica Connection Broker Failsadding Hyper-V Replica Connection Broker Fails
When trying to create Hyper-v replica Connection Broker in Hyper-v Cluster environment you get : “fails to create computer object” This can happen because the object creating the connection do
How to restore SYSVOL and NETLOGON Shares On Windows 2012 DCHow to restore SYSVOL and NETLOGON Shares On Windows 2012 DC
If SYSVOL and NETLOGON Share is missing : Click Start, click Run, type regedit, and then click OK. Locate the following subkey in Registry Editor: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Netlogon\Parameters In the details
How to Control Local Devices and Resources in a Remote Desktop SessionHow to Control Local Devices and Resources in a Remote Desktop Session
In order to disable/Enable Server Local resource in RDP session you need to edit the group policy value as follow : Group Policy setting name Group Policy setting
dell compellent sc2020 or sc2040 freezedell compellent sc2020 or sc2040 freeze
Occasionally Dell Compellent can freeze, all the lights stop blinking and the storage stop responding to the management IP and the controllers, The Cluster shared volumes (CSV) or the share
Why is There a Big Difference Between File Size and The Size on Disk its takeingWhy is There a Big Difference Between File Size and The Size on Disk its takeing
The difference usually happens because you have a lot of small files, Consider this: 50,000 files 32 KB cluster size (allocation units), which is the max for FAT32 for