When installing Fortigate-VM you will need to start the settings from CLI in order to get GUI access, you will need to setup interface for admin access. here is the steps :
- Fortinet_Lab # config system interface
- Fortinet_Lab (interface) # edit port1
- Fortinet_Lab (port1) # set ip
- Fortinet_Lab (port1) # set allowaccess ping http https fgfm
- ssh SSH access.
- snmp SNMP access.
- telnet TELNET access.
- radius-acct RADIUS accounting access.
- probe-response Probe access.
- capwap CAPWAP access.
- ftm FTM access.
- Fortinet_Lab (port1) # set allowaccess ping http https fgfm ftm ssh >> Remember to allow the https and http connection to firewall on this port. You can also allow other options to connect to firewall but those will need to be specifically allowed under each port where you want to connect from your network. For example we have allowed ping, ssh etc on firewall to this port (port1).
- Fortinet_Lab (port1) # end
To Verify setting got configure :
Fortinet_Lab # show system interface port1
config system interface
edit “port1”
set vdom “root”
set ip
set allowaccess ping https ssh http fgfm ftm
set mode static
set type physical
set snmp-index 1
Now configure the static route :
Fortinet_Lab # config router static
Fortinet_Lab (static) # edit 1
new entry ‘1’ added
Fortinet_Lab (1) # set gateway
Fortinet_Lab (1) # set dst
Fortinet_Lab (1) # set device port1
Fortinet_Lab (1) # end
Verify the route:
Fortinet_Lab # show router static
config router static
edit 1
set gateway
set device “port1”
Fortinet_Lab #
Now check ping out :
Fortinet_Lab #execute ping
Now you will be able to access the firewall on port 80 only since there is no certificate create yet, so start access it from port 80
Good Luck