It`s simple when you know how ! Microsoft Exchange 2013,Microsoft Exchange 2016,Office 365,Tutorials,Windows,Windows server Outlook blank or Empty authentication window When connected to office 365

Outlook blank or Empty authentication window When connected to office 365

After migrating from on-perm to Office 365 on terminal server I get this blank authentication window. the fix I found is to add in the registery this key :



Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

There is another case with similar behavior in outlook 2016 or outlook 365 and the fix is this registry key :

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


After adding this line, Outlook got connected with no issue, yet this is not recommended solution by Microsoft, here is more details on how to over come this error:

Disabling ADAL or WAM to fix Office sign-in or activation issues not recommended – Office 365 | Microsoft Learn: Outlook blank or Empty authentication window When connected to office 365

Good luck

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