It`s simple when you know how ! Tech,Tutorials,Windows,Windows server How to Reset Network Settings with the “netsh winsock reset” command

How to Reset Network Settings with the “netsh winsock reset” command

The simple why to reset the network adapter setting is through Powershell or command prompt window running as admin :

netsh winsock reset

This is very helpful if you had some malware or any other software that adjust you network setting, the other command is :

netsh int ip reset

This command will totally reset your tcp/ip setting to default, in order to just reset the IP assigned you can run those command :

ipconfig /release   & ipconfig /renew  & ipconfig /flushdns & arp -d

This command will clean the IP configuration and the DNS cache .

You can fully reset you network card with this command (make sure all is well with the driver installed first) :

netcfg -d

Most of those command required you to restart your computer !!!

Good Luck

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