It`s simple when you know how ! Office 365,Operating Systems,Tech,Tutorials,Windows How To allow Microsoft Outlook’s Programmatic Access

How To allow Microsoft Outlook’s Programmatic Access

Microsoft has made security restricted access to outlook , This can be a pain when dealing with sending emails from a program accessing outlook for example.

I have found that the easiest way is to modify/create registry key to allow programmatic access. This method is working on terminal servers as well – require reboot though.

You should be aware that this setting open outlook to risks and exploits. therefor you should consider additional protection like antivirus or other restriction .

Outlook 2016

DWORD: ObjectModelGuard
Value: 2

You can also set the keys below. As always, if the keys don’t exist in the registry, you’ll need to create them.

DWORD: PromptOOMSend
Value: 2
DWORD: AdminSecurityMode
Value: 3
DWORD: promptoomaddressinformationaccess
Value: 2
DWORD: promptoomaddressbookaccess
Value: 2

Outlook 2013

DWORD: ObjectModelGuard
Value: 2

You can also set the keys below. As always, if the keys don’t exist in the registry, you’ll need to create them.

DWORD: PromptOOMSend
Value: 2
DWORD: AdminSecurityMode
Value: 3
DWORD: promptoomaddressinformationaccess
Value: 2
DWORD: promptoomaddressbookaccess
Value: 2

Outlook 2010

DWORD: ObjectModelGuard
Value: 2

DWORD: PromptOOMSend
Value: 2
DWORD: AdminSecurityMode
Value: 3
DWORD: promptoomaddressinformationaccess
Value: 2
DWORD: promptoomaddressbookaccess
Value: 2

Ready made reg files (just download extract and import to registry)

Outlook 2016 Outlook 2013 Outlook 2010

MOre information can be found here :

Change Outlook’s Programmatic Access Options

Good Luck

2 thoughts on “How To allow Microsoft Outlook’s Programmatic Access”

  1. I tried this on a office365 install with Win7 and it didn’t change the programmatic settings at all.

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