recent Microsoft updates when comes in certain order cause the server to stop booting with BSOD and Error 0xc000021a, After researching I have found that the only solution is to remove the latest updates. here is how you can do it.
First boot you window with installation media or windows PE go to command prompt , to get the list of disk and drivers execute :
wmic logicaldisk get name

Find your windows folder :

in this example, windows installation folder is on drive D, now to get the latest updates type:
dism.exe /Image:D:\ /get-packages /format:list
You will get a list of all the updates installed on the system, find according to the installation date the one you want to remove and execute :
dism /image:D:\ /Remove-Package /PackageName:PackageName

After that reboot your server, now it should reboot normally .
Good Luck
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