It`s simple when you know how ! Hyper-v,Operating Systems,Virtualization,Windows,Windows server hyper-v 2016 management tools could not access an expected wmi class on computer ….

hyper-v 2016 management tools could not access an expected wmi class on computer ….


I ran across this error :

“An error occurred while attempting to connect to server …. Check That the Virtual machine Managment service is running and the you are authorzed to connect to the server

The Hyper-v management tool could not access an expected WMI class on computer …..”

this was a production cluster environment and After making sure that all the services are running, and there is no rights and permission errors, I have found ,running this command from console as Administartor , solving the problem :

MOFCOMP %SYSTEMROOT%\System32\WindowsVirtualization.V2.mof

After running this command the connection restored, reboot the server if it doesn’t connect right after .

Good Luck

20 thoughts on “hyper-v 2016 management tools could not access an expected wmi class on computer ….”

  1. You are amazing. I have been working on this problem for a couple hours and your fixed work for me. Thanks so much for posting this as public information. You are helping the community greatly

  2. OMG amazing! I’ve been struggling with this all day on a network with only 1 PC!! THANK YOU! I thought it was an incompatibility between 2019 and 2016!

  3. After searching and reading a lot of nonsense on the web, this great post worked for me as well, finally!
    Thanks a lot!

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